I started my career in 1991 and have been an attorney-at-law since 1995 (consecutively at the Bars of Paris, then Marseille and Aix-en-Provence).
After starting out in chartered accountancy then moving on to the Gide Loyrette Nouel law firm in Paris, I joined the Coopers & Lybrand CLC Juridique et Fiscal (then named Landwell & Associés) international law firm, now known as Pwc Société d’Avocats (a member of the PwC international network) in 1993. I first practised law at their Paris office and then the Marseille office from 1997 to 2004 – the last few years of which as the head of the legal department for the south-east.

In 2004, I decided to leave Landwell & Associés to set up my own law firm which celebrated its sixteenth anniversary in 2020. What helped me make this decision was the south-east region’s economic dynamism, its ability to attract new companies, the need for independent, experienced and professional business consultants, my affinity for companies, and my desire to be independent and build and develop my own company.
The main goal of creating my own company was to offer the services of a flexible, mobile, responsive and specialised human-sized structure to support companies, business leaders and groups on the business law market not just with their day-to-day activities, but also their projects by helping them grow or even restructure should the need arise. In view of our experience and expertise, we strive to keep our fees realistic and adapt to our clients’ needs.
I chose to live in the wonderful city of Aix-en-Provence in the South of France where we opened our main office for operations across the south-east. We subsequently opened a branch office in Paris in 2011 for all of our clients in the region around Paris
We work throughout the whole of France as well as abroad when necessary. The beginning of my career in an international firm and the international work we did gave me first-hand insight into supporting French companies with their projects abroad (partnerships, acquisitions, etc.), such as foreign individuals or groups which have holdings or subsidiaries in France or that want to acquire a company or other assets in France.
For over 10 years, our firm has developed a real expertise in the outdoor hospitality sector, specifically in campsite purchase and sales operations. Agriculture is also a strong line of development for the firm – particularly wine growing and production, which overlaps with the outdoor hospitality sector in many ways.
In 2013, I was awarded the certificate from the National Bar Council (Conseil National des Barreaux) (CNB) in corporate law, specialising in “corporate restructuring, business transfers, mergers and acquisitions”.
Moreover, on top of my regular work consulting and drafting acts, I have the status of attorney-at-law for property transactions (avocat mandataire en transactions immobilières) which enables me to perform operations related to purchasing and selling property assets in accordance with the National Internal Regulations of the profession of lawyer (Règlement Intérieur National de la profession d’avocat) (RIN).